Harvest Sunday 6 October at our churches
This Sunday we will be celebrating Harvest at both churches. We ask that you bring a Harvest thanksgiving gift of non-perishable food items that will be shared between St Paul’s Pantry (Crewe) & the Nantwich Foodbank.
It’s Junior Church this Sunday
It’s Junior Church this Sunday and they will be celebrating Harvest! They will be exploring Harvest with many different experiences for the children to explore and learn about God’s love for us. Junior Church meets in church and leaves for their own time together in the Choir Vestry. To find out more about our Junior Church and other activities for younger people click here.
Rose Queen Cake Sale Sunday 6 October
There will be a Rose Queen Cake Sale in aid of Cancer Research UK in the Church Hall over refreshments on Sunday 6 October. Please bring cash to buy cakes!!
Rachael’s Reader Licensing Information
Rachael’s Reader Licensing, 3pm, Saturday 12 October, at Chester Cathedral. The coach will leave St Mary’s Church Hall at 10am & leave Chester around 5:15pm. We have space still at £10PP. Payment can be made by cash to Sarah T or online: Account Name: St Mary’s Wistaston PCC, Sort Code: 08 92 99, Account No: 65067004, Ref: Coach
Bring and Share on Sunday 13 October
We are having one morning service at St Mary’s, joined by St Luke’s folk, followed by a Celebration Bring & Share for Rachael. Please some food to share!
Infant Loss Service Sunday 13 October at 5pm
Our annual Infant Loss Service in partnership with Motherwell is on Sunday 13 October at 5pm at St Mary’s, all those who have been affected by infant loss, no matter how long ago, are welcome to join us.
NEW: Women Ignited Together
Women Ignited Together in fellowship & friendship: a women’s get together is planned for Friday 8th November, meeting at the Station Pilot at 7:30pm, anyone who wants to join please let Rachel Davies know
A Mind of Their Own an event by Care for the family
Care for the Family are holding an event at the Bridge Centre in Stoke, Tuesday, November 5, 7.30pm. Young people are facing unprecedented levels of pressure, from school, from their phones and from their peers. All of which are having a detrimental effect on their mental health. A Mind of Their Own will give parents, carers, and anyone working with young people, practical and preventative tools to understand these pressures and help your children build strong emotional resilience and healthy mental wellbeing. Leaflets in St Mary’s porch or see their website cff.org.uk/moto
Prayer Resources
Following on from the Prayer Workshop we have set up a new Prayer Resources page on our website which has a variety of resources on it for personal and corporate prayer. It can be accessed from the front page of the church website (stmaryswistaston.org.uk) or directly by clicking here.
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer this week is on Tuesday & Thursday at 9:30am on Zoom: bit.ly/930mp
There is also the Church of England Daily Prayer at bit.ly/cofeprayer and Daily Prayer app – search your device’s App Store to find it and Daily Hope: a free phone line of hymns, reflections and prayers you can call at any time on 0800 804 8044.
Christmas Produce
Date for your Diary, Mike and Chris will doing their produce sale on Sunday, December 15 after the Holy Communion Service in the Church Hall.
Wool Appeal
After the generosity shown last time, the knitters for Care Homes are asking for any spare wool you may have, this can be passed to the Office. Thank you!
Dates for your dairy
- 05 October Harvest Supper, 7:30pm in the Church Hall – fully booked
- 06 October Harvest Sunday at both churches
- 12 October Rachael Rivers to be licensed as a Reader at Chester Cathedral
- 13 October Celebration Bring & Share for Rachael in the Church Hall
Online Service Resources
Service Orders at St Mary’s can be viewed/downloaded at bit.ly/serviceorders.
The Weekly Sheet is available at the top of this Blog page. We will continue have printed Weekly Sheets available, but if you can do it electronically, it means we can print less and not throw as much away.
Thanks to all who support us this way, it costs you nothing, please consider using it for online and click and collect, visit here for more info: bit.ly/stmaryseasyfundraising
Our church relies upon personal giving to keep going. To give quickly & securely online click here or scan the QR Code below or Click Here to see all the ways you can support the church financially.