Christingle Service in aid of the Children’s Society
Our Uniformed Organisations Christingle Service is this Sunday 8 December at 6pm and it is open to all church families. Bring a ready made Christingle Orange with you, see how to make one here:, and we’ll give you a candle on the night if you need one.
The Posada continues!
There is still room to host our ‘knitted’ Mary & Joseph in your home overnight and then take them to the next person on the list. The sign-up sheet is in the Rota file in the porch.
Rachel Davies is coordinating the Posada this year and if needed she can be contacted on or 07947 280551.
We encourage you to make contact with who you’re collecting/dropping from/to on the Sunday beforehand.
We would love to see and share your Posada photos, please share on Socials using #stmarysposada and/or email to
Advent Bible Study
Continues this week on Tuesday 10 December (with the final one on 17 December), 7:30pm-9pm, at the Rectory. These are standalone studies, so if you didn’t make it last week you are still welcome. The study is called ‘Because of Bethlehem and will be led by Rachael Rivers. All materials will be provided, please bring a Bible with you.
Christmas Produce
Mike and Chris Horne are holding their produce sale on Sunday 15 December in the Church Hall following the morning service. Order forms available now at St Mary’s
Toy Service – thank you!
Thank you to everyone for the donations for our annual Toy Service and to Barbara & Gerald for delivering them. Financial donations can still be made here:
Advent Resources from the Church of England
Daily Reflections via email
Sign up for Christmas reflection emails and receive daily messages straight to your inbox. Our daily emails will offer Bible readings, short reflections and a practical challenge, as well as prayers linked to weekly themes.
You can sign up for the reflections here.
Daily reflections via Everyday Faith app
You can read and listen to daily Advent and Christmas reflections from 1 December through the Everyday Faith app. You can download the everyday Faith App from here.
Other resources to order and download can be found here – scroll down the page to ‘Resources for individuals‘.
Christmas Services at St Mary’s & St Luke’s
Ladies Afternoon Group News
Join us for our Carol Service at St Mary’s on Wednesday 11 December at 2pm.
All are welcome, you don’t need to be a Ladies Afternoon Group member.
The LAG Summer trip on 4th July 2025 to the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct and boat trip with afternoon tea. Please express interest as places will be booked up. Frances.
Decorating St Mary’s Church for Christmas
This will take place on Saturday 21st December between 10am-12noon. We would welcome any greenery that you can donate such as Conifer and Ivy. With thanks, Di Carter.
Christmas Lunch at Richmond Village Nantwich
If you’re on your own and are looking for some companionship this Christmas, we’ve saved you a seat at our table.
Enjoy a FREE festive meal on
Friday 13th December, at 12.30pm, in the company of our staff and residents!
To book or for more information call us on
01270 629 080 or visit
Join Sarah & Mike at the Rectory
Sarah & Mike invite you to join them at the Rectory on Friday 20 December. Please feel free to drop in between
2pm-3:30pm for Mince Pies & a Cuppa,
or between
7pm-9pm for Mince Pies & Mulled Wine, soft drinks will be available too.
Parish Prayer Calendar
Our Parish Prayer Calendar has been updated and is available in our churches and online to view/download here:
Please use it in your daily prayers to pray for the Parish.
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer this week is only on Tuesday due to a school visit join us at 9:30am on Zoom:
There is also the Church of England Daily Prayer at and Daily Prayer app – search your device’s App Store to find it and Daily Hope: a free phone line of hymns, reflections and prayers you can call at any time on 0800 804 8044.
Online Service Resources
Service Orders at St Mary’s can be viewed/downloaded at
The Weekly Sheet is available at the top of this Blog page. We will continue have printed Weekly Sheets available, but if you can do it electronically, it means we can print less and not throw as much away.
Thanks to all who support us this way, it costs you nothing, please consider using it for online and click and collect, visit here for more info:
Our church relies upon personal giving to keep going. To give quickly & securely online click here or scan the QR Code below or Click Here to see all the ways you can support the church financially.