Annual Toy Service

Join in the Posada this Advent!

Advent Bible Study

Advent Resources from the Church of England

Daily Reflections via email
Sign up for Christmas reflection emails and receive daily messages straight to your inbox. Our daily emails will offer Bible readings, short reflections and a practical challenge, as well as prayers linked to weekly themes.
You can sign up for the reflections here.

Daily reflections via Everyday Faith app
You can read and listen to daily Advent and Christmas reflections from 1 December through the Everyday Faith app. You can download the everyday Faith App from here.

Other resources to order and download can be found here – scroll down the page to ‘Resources for individuals‘.

Christingle Service in aid of the Children’s Society

Christmas Services at St Mary’s & St Luke’s

Christmas Concert in the Church Hall

Ladies Afternoon Group News

Shoebox Appeal – thank you!

Thanks to all who donated a physical box, an online box or who gave a donation! We had 31 boxes, plus another 10 (that we know of) that were donated online.  
It’s not too late to donate a Shoebox online please go to

Christmas Lunch at Richmond Village Nantwich

Christmas Produce

Join Sarah & Mike at the Rectory

Parish Prayer Calendar

Morning Prayer

Online Service Resources

