Remembrance Sunday
We will be holding an Act of Remembrance at both of our churches on Sunday 10 November.
Also locally on Remembrance Sunday:
🔸Willaston Remembrance Service: 1:30pm at Willaston War Memorial, Colleys Lane
🔸Wistaston Memorial Hall & Community Centre at 3pm
Barbara Wallace
Barbara Wallace’s funeral is on Tuesday 12 November, 10:30am, at St Mary’s. Please keep her family in your prayers.
Annual Shoebox Appeal
Once again this year we are partnering with Teams4U to donate Christmas Shoeboxes to Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Bosnia and Romania. Leaflets and shoeboxes are available at both churches. Leaflets and Shoeboxes (50p donation if poss) are available at both churches. The deadline for drop-off at St Mary’s is 17 November. For more info, or if you prefer to fill an online Shoebox, please go to the Teams4U website:
Watch this year’s video here:
Advent Bible Study
We are running a 3 week Advent Bible Study on Tuesday 3, 10 & 17 December, 7:30pm-9pm, at the Rectory. The study is called ‘Because of Bethlehem’ and will be led by Rachael Rivers. All materials will be provided, please bring a Bible with you.
The Posada this Advent
You are invited to join in the Posada this Advent by having ‘knitted’ Mary & Joseph to stay in your home overnight and then take them to the next person on the list. You can be a part of it by signing up on the Posada Sheet in the Rota file in the porch.
Christmas Services at St Mary’s & St Luke’s
Ladies Afternoon Group News
The Ladies Afternoon Group (LAG) had a very inspirational talk from Helen Carter last month about nursing in the First World War. We saw pictures and artefacts and it is truly wonderful to see someone speak so passionately. Looking forward to seeing you on 28th November when Chance Changing Lives will be speaking about the work that they do.
If anyone still wants to join us for the LAG Christmas Lunch on 6th December at the College please see Frances or Pam asap.
Just a heads up for the LAG Summer trip on 4th July 2025. We are going to the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct and boat trip with afternoon tea. Please express interest as places will be booked up. Thank you, Frances.
Updated Parish Prayer Calendar now available
Our Parish Prayer Calendar has been updated and is available in our churches and online to view/download here: Please use it in your daily prayers to pray for the Parish.
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer this week, due to a funeral, is only Thursday at 9:30am on Zoom:
There is also the Church of England Daily Prayer at and Daily Prayer app – search your device’s App Store to find it and Daily Hope: a free phone line of hymns, reflections and prayers you can call at any time on 0800 804 8044.
Christmas Produce
Date for your Diary, Mike and Chris will doing their produce sale on Sunday, December 15 after the Holy Communion Service in the Church Hall.
Online Service Resources
Service Orders at St Mary’s can be viewed/downloaded at
The Weekly Sheet is available at the top of this Blog page. We will continue have printed Weekly Sheets available, but if you can do it electronically, it means we can print less and not throw as much away.
Thanks to all who support us this way, it costs you nothing, please consider using it for online and click and collect, visit here for more info:
Our church relies upon personal giving to keep going. To give quickly & securely online click here or scan the QR Code below or Click Here to see all the ways you can support the church financially.