A Thank You from Rachael
What a wonderful weekend we have had together! The licensing celebration at Chester cathedral was fantastic and it was lovely to see the faces of many friends in the congregation. On Sunday morning, I had the opportunity to answer the licensing questions in front of the congregations in our Parish and to receive my blue scarf again! Thank you for your love and support. Over the weekend, I felt that we all entered into the excitement of the occasion and enjoyed being together. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make the weekend a great success and many thanks to the PCC for purchasing a blue scarf for me.
Photos of the Licensing Weekend
Thank you to all those who took and shared photos with me, here is a link to a selection of them: bit.ly/rachaelslicensing. Revd Mike
Our annual Commemoration Service
Our annual Commemoration Service is on Sunday 3 November, 6pm, at St Mary’s. Invitations have been sent to the families of those whom we have conducted funerals for over the past 3 years. This said, the service is open to anyone who would value remembering a loved one who they have lost recently.
Ladies Afternoon Group News
Our next LAG is on Thursday 24th October, when we shall have a speaker from “Chance Changing Lives”. If you are coming to the Christmas Meal on the 6 December and you have not yet given your deposit of £10, please could you bring it to the meeting. Many thanks and I look forward to seeing you. Frances.
Women Ignited Together
Women Ignited Together in fellowship & friendship: a women’s get together is planned for Friday 8th November, meeting at the Station Pilot at 7:30pm, anyone who wants to join please let Rachel Davies know.
Prisons Week 2024
Thanks to Howard Barker for making us aware that this week is Prisons Week 2024 which runs from 13th – 19th October.
This year they invite you to remember that Jesus looks at you and loves you, as he looks at them and loves them. Please take a look at the video and at their fantastic website for more info and resources. prisonsweek.org video link: https://vimeo.com/1008526611
Annual Shoebox Appeal
Once again this year we are partnering with Teams4U to donate Christmas Shoeboxes to Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Bosnia and Romania. Leaflets and shoeboxes are available at both churches. Leaflets and Shoeboxes (50p donation if poss) are available at both churches. The deadline for drop-off at St Mary’s is 17 November. For more info, or if you prefer to fill an online Shoebox, please go to the Teams4U website: teams4u.com
Watch this year’s video here: https://youtu.be/cwNVVF_a0No?si=wJ9TZGn1_6LIKN67
Updated Parish Prayer Calendar now available
Our Parish Prayer Calendar has been updated and is available in our churches and online to view/download here: stmaryswistaston.org.uk/prayerresources.html Please use it in your daily prayers to pray for the Parish.
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer this week is on Tuesday & Thursday at 9:30am on Zoom: bit.ly/930mp
There is also the Church of England Daily Prayer at bit.ly/cofeprayer and Daily Prayer app – search your device’s App Store to find it and Daily Hope: a free phone line of hymns, reflections and prayers you can call at any time on 0800 804 8044.
Christmas Produce
Date for your Diary, Mike and Chris will doing their produce sale on Sunday, December 15 after the Holy Communion Service in the Church Hall.
Online Service Resources
Service Orders at St Mary’s can be viewed/downloaded at bit.ly/serviceorders.
The Weekly Sheet is available at the top of this Blog page. We will continue have printed Weekly Sheets available, but if you can do it electronically, it means we can print less and not throw as much away.
Thanks to all who support us this way, it costs you nothing, please consider using it for online and click and collect, visit here for more info: bit.ly/stmaryseasyfundraising
Our church relies upon personal giving to keep going. To give quickly & securely online click here or scan the QR Code below or Click Here to see all the ways you can support the church financially.