
Church at Home Resources for Sunday 05 July 2020 – Trinity 4

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After church tea & coffee will be on Zoom from around 11:45am – come and join us virtually, it would be lovely to see each other again.

Zoom Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 750 2131 3429

My Mary’s
for Private Prayer

On Monday 28 June St Mary’s reopened for Private Individual Prayer, this is the first time since all churches were closed on for Public Worship on 17 March. It’s been a long time and it’s taken time to put the correct measures in place that allow us to take this first tentative step to reopening for Public Worship.

We have had to rope-off many of the pews with currently only 9 available, each pew is per household, so it could be one person or a 8 people, but they have to be from the same household. You can see the issue we have with the layout of the building as we think about returning for Public Worship which is permissible from 4 July. St Luke’s has even more issues under the current guidelines!
For these reasons, the PCC have agreed unanimously to not reopen for Public Worship for the time being (in line with the guidance from the Church of England & the Diocese) and to continue with Private Prayer sessions through July and continue to ‘stream’ our services. You can read a letter about the reopening of churches in the Diocese from Bp Keith by clicking here.

The dates and times of the Private Prayer sessions will be different each week in order to enable as many people as possible to attend. For the coming week:

Saturday 4 July
10am – 12 noon

Monday 06 July
10am – 12 noon
7:30pm – 8:30pm

Thursday 09 July 
1:30pm – 3:30pm

With all God’s blessings, Revd Mike

Roots on the Web

Once again, Roots on the Web have made their resources available to us for free

For use at home this week
All Resources
Resources for adults
Resources for Children & Young People

The Midweek Get Together

Each week Revd Mike invites you to join with him on Zoom for a get-together.
This week 08 July: Generosity – a Bible Study. How did Jesus respond in a time of scarcity? This week, we look at the generosity of God, modelled for us in the way of Jesus. Click Here to Register

This month we have a Ministry Letter from Revd Malc, articles from both of our Wardens, the Rose Queen, LAG & MU, Di & Mike Carter plus loads more. What are you waiting for? Head over and take a look! 
You can send items for future editions to

A bitesize Bible experience
from the Ollerton Family

Through 15 minute sessions explore famous characters and events that form The Greatest Story Ever and discover how we can be part of it today. Simple to run. Fun. Free. No prior knowledge required. This family devotional course mixes online content (videos, readings, discussion) and printed cards to form a colourful learning experience in your own home.

Who developed this resource?
The Ollertons have been making it during the Coronavirus lockdown. We’ve designed a session each evening and road-tested it with our three kids over breakfast (and revise… and repeat). Charlotte’s a qualified youth worker with oodles of creativity – see the paintings on the cards. Andrew is a more boring-theologian-type. He works with Bible Society and is author of The Bible Course a small group resource.

Many thanks to Howard Barker for sharing this great resource with us.

Let’s not forget our food banks at this time – the call on them is great…

Many thanks to Dave Walker for reminding us.

Faith at Home from the Church of England

This is a great resource for families to keep their children’s faith alive at this time

Faith at Home from the Church of England

Faith at Home is a national campaign that builds on the work of Growing Faith and Everyday Faith to support the faith development and pastoral care of children and young people.

The Bible Society Bible
Book Club

This is a fantastic free resource which we’ve used for some of the Midweek Get Togethers and is great for personal use to discover more about the books of the bible. Please take a look at the video and click here to find out more.

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Church at Home

Resources for all ages to keep your faith alive at home