
St Mary’s & St Luke’s News for 12 June 2022

The Weekly Sheet has this week’s Readings and News on it

Jubilee Worship, Celebrations & an Indoor Street Party

Jubilee Banner

Many thanks to Chris, Joan & Joy for organising our fantastic Platinum Jubilee celebrations, and thanks to all who helped in many ways. Make sure you take a look at the Jubilee Banner in the Transept at St Mary’s along with Mike Horne’s photos of the Jubilee Lunch.

The organising group said, ‘We were disappointed that we had to move our celebration picnic indoors due to poor weather. However, we were determined not to let the drizzle dampen our party spirits and hope you enjoyed our time of fellowship as much as we did.  If anyone bought a ticket & was unable to attend please speak to Joy or Chris to receive your commemorative book.”

Photo Gallery
To view Mike Horne’s photos click here:

Morning Prayer on Zoom

Morning Prayer on Zoom, 9:30am (usually) Mon & Thurs or by phone: 0203 051 2874 Meeting ID: 850 2058 1307 Passcode: 914961
Church of England Daily Prayer can be found here:
There is also Daily Hope: a free phone line of hymns, reflections and prayers you can call at any time on 0800 804 8044.

Subject to all legal formalities being fulfilled, Rev Paul has been appointed as the new Incumbent of parishes of St Peter’s Leighton cum Minshull Vernon and St Leonard’s Warmingham. Paul’s last Sunday will be 24 July. Our prayers and best wishes are with Paul, Jan, Lois & William at this time. If you’d like to donate towards a leaving gift for Paul either give a cash donation to the Wardens or a bank transfer to the church account with the ref “Paul”.

Jayne Manfredi is being ordained as a Deacon on Sunday 3 July at Chester Cathedral before starting her ministry at St Mary’s, Sandbach. We are having a collection to present her with a gift, please see one of the Wardens to give by cash or you can make a bank transfer to the church account with the ref “Jayne”. Please keep Jayne and the family in your prayers as they prepare for her Ordination.

The Archdeacon’s Visitation is at Christ Church, Alsager on 15th June, 7.30pm.  This is a service where Wardens are ‘sworn in’ and an opportunity for Sidespeople to attend.

St Mary’s Fundraising stall at the Wistaston Village Fête on Saturday, 18th June.  Raffle prizes, jams, chutneys, cakes, craft items.  Please come and support us if you can.

Sunday 12 June: Our Rose Queen, Charlotte, will be holding a cake sale in the Church Hall after the service.

Everyday Faith: Wed 14 September 2022 at 7:15pm at Elworth Church Hall – Christians are called to follow Jesus each day, wherever we are – in our homes, workplaces and neighbourhoods, as well as in church. We are invited to send a group of four/five people to find out more. If you are interested, please speak to Revd Mike asap so he can book places. See for more info

Resources for personal prayer and reflection for the nation of Ukraine and for peace – click here for our dedicated Blog page

Christian Aid Week – Thanks for your support for Christian Aid week. We raised £328.66 in cash, £140 via the e-envelope = £468.66 + Gift Aid of £77.50.

At St Mary’s, if you’d like to do a Bible Reading or The Intercessions (resources supplied) in church in June or July, please add your name to the rota in the porch.

We are now offering communion in both kinds, here are the details

LAG News – We hope to see you all at the next LAG meeting on 23rd June, when the Wells Green Choir will be delighting us with their wonderful singing.  We are looking forward to this, Ann & Frances.

Sunday Refreshments
If you would like to join the refreshments team, please sign up via the sheet in the Church Hall or contact Polly or Teresa in the Church Office 01270 567119 or

HUGE THANK YOU to all who have collected and donated food. With an amazing 1767.13 kg of food donated in April. We are so grateful as the pantry has become very short of several items. Long life items are still the main priority, we are continuously short of UHT milk, jam and long-life cakes/puddings. Thank you! 

Our Church Relies upon Personal Giving to Keep it Going. ​
Click the button below to see the ways that you can help.

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