
St Mary’s and St Luke’s News for Sunday 04 September 2022

The Weekly Sheet has this week’s Readings and News on it

Rev Paul’s Institution & Induction at St Leonard’s Warmingham

Congratulations to Rev Paul following his Institution & Induction as the vicar St Peter’s Leighton & St Leonard’s Warmingham on Wednesday 31 August at 7:30pm. A lovely service with a challenging and inspiring sermon by Bishop Sam. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and the family as he begins this next phase of his ministry. 🙏

Thank you from our Rose Queen

Thank you everyone for coming to my coffee morning / afternoon! It was lovely to see you all and the weather was kind. The church family, neighbours and friends have all been very generous in giving donations if they were not able to attend and we ended the day having raised the wonderful sum of £261.76.Including the sale of sunflowers and spider plants from our driveway we have raised over £380.00 in total and we hope to have a successful day at the Duck Race on 10th September.Once again many thanks for your support of our charity the DEC. Joy and Poppy.

Enabling all God’s People

A service to celebrate our different abilities, led by the Bishop of Birkenhead, with guest speaker Darius Traves. The Diocesan Engagement and Inclusion Officer, the Revd Vanessa Layfield, invites you to come along to the service which takes place on 10 September at 2pm at St Michael’s and All Angels’, Bramhall. More info & Booking here:

Morning Prayer is back!

Morning Prayer on Zoom, 9:30am – usually Monday & Thursday, check the online calendar for this week

Church of England Daily Prayer which can be found here:

There is also Daily Hope: a free phone line of hymns, reflections and prayers you can call at any time on 0800 804 8044.

St Paul’s Pantry Update

St Paul’s Pantry has provided 231 people with crisis food parcels which is 100 households. During the month of July 1535.7 kg of food was donated. The last few months demand for food parcels has been greater than food donated. Most people are experiencing hardship in the current climate, we are need of long life food items are still the main priority, currently we are continuously short of items such as tinned meat, tinned vegetables, tinned puddings, UHT milk, cereal, jam, cooking sauces, rice, and pasta. Thank you!

Pray for Ukraine

Resources for personal prayer and reflection for the nation of Ukraine and for peace – click here for our dedicated Blog page

Sunday Refreshments

Sunday refreshments – please if anyone can offer their services for Mid October onwards for Tea and Coffee after Service, please add your name to the Rota in the Church Hall – Many thanks

If you would like to join the refreshments team, please sign up via the sheet in the Church Hall or contact Polly or Teresa in the Church Office 01270 567119 or

Our Church Relies upon Personal Giving to Keep Going

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