
St Mary’s and St Luke’s News & Information for 03 September 2023 – Trinity 13

The Weekly Sheet has this week’s Readings and News on it

George Wardy

George’s funeral is at St Mary’s, this Thursday 7 September, at 10:30am. If you knew George please do come along and celebrate his life.

Rachael Returns

We welcome Rachael Rivers back with us as she continues her Reader Training based in our Parish.

The reintroduction of the Chalice at Communion

From this Sunday 3 September receiving the Chalice will, once again, be an option at our communion services at both churches, the Priest Intinction option will continue. Two separate Chalices will be used. Personal dipping of the wafer is not permissible at this time. 

Please do one of the following at the Communion Rail:

  • For Priest Intinction, please hold out two hands, the dipped wafer will be given to you, then just don’t take the Chalice as the assistant passes by
  • For the Chalice, please hold out one hand, the wafer will be given to you and then you will be offered the Chalice (as we did pre pandemic) 
  • To receive just the wafer, please hold out one hand, the wafer will be given to you, then just don’t take the Chalice as the assistant passes by
  • Blessings, please keep your hands down by your sides

After church refreshments at St Mary’s

Sunday refreshments start again on this Sunday 3 September, please sign up to do refreshments for future Sundays on the rota in the Church Hall.

An Appeal for men’s clothes and shoes

Hope Church, Crewe are appealing for men’s clothes and shoes for their aid to Asylum Seekers that have been placed in Crewe. Please if you have any clothes and shoes you can donate, please bring to our Church and Catherine Gallagher will arrange to take them to Hope Church.

The Bible Study group

The Tuesday Bible study group & Prayer groups will begin again in September, dates to be advised soon. Thank you, Jenny V. 

Harvest 2023

Advanced notice that Harvest Sunday at both of our churches will be on Sunday 1st October – we will share the gifts between the Crewe & Nantwich Foodbanks.

St Paul’s Pantry in Crewe told us that they are having to purchase significant volumes of food items we are short of on a weekly basis. We don’t receive grant funding for the foodbank, it is resourced through monetary donations and donations of food. Please keep spreading the word about our need and do direct people to our website about ways people can support, every item and every penny helps:

An Appeal for surplus wool

Volunteer knitting group who knit for Nantwich Care homes are very short of wool of all kinds, especially chunky knit. Please if you have any left-over wool, please bring to the office or up to Church and we will pass this on to the group– contact Dot Wise 07955 238873- with thanks in advance.

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer on Zoom, 9:30am
just Tuesday this week.
Church of England Daily Prayer can be found here:
There is also Daily Hope: a free phone line of hymns, reflections and prayers you can call at any time on 0800 804 8044.

Online Service Resources

Service Orders at St Mary’s can be viewed/downloaded at or scan the QR Code to the left.

The Weekly Sheet is available at the top of this Blog page.

We will continue have printed Weekly Sheets available, but if you can do it electronically, it means we can print less and not throw as much away.

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