
St Mary’s and St Luke’s News & Information for 10 March 2024 – Mothering Sunday

The Weekly Sheet has the weekly Readings and News on it

Join us this Sunday for our Mothering Sunday services this Sunday (10 March)
9am Holy Communion at St Luke’s Willaston
10:40am All Age Worship at St Mary’s

Lent Groups continue this week

The Lent Groups continue this coming week at the Rectory, Tuesdays at 7:30pm and repeated at St Luke’s on Fridays at 10am, running for 5 weeks and lasting 1.5 hours.
The Church of England’s Lent resources this year are called ‘Watch & Pray’, more info can be found here including daily emails and App.

Joan Tyrrell

Joan Tyrrell’s funeral is a Crewe Crematorium on this Tuesday 12 March at 12:15pm. Please keep her family in your prayers.

Christian Aid Sponsored Swim – thank you!

We had twelve swimmers who swam a total of 718 lengths ranging from 44 to 100 lengths over 2 hours. We raised from St Mary’s and St Luke’s around £500, a final total will be given when all donations are in. Thanks to all!

Ladies Afternoon Group

Our Lent Service is on 14th March at 2pm at St Mary’s Church followed by tea and biscuits afterwards in the hall.
Anyone still wanting to put their names down for the Spring Lunch on 25th April at the tea rooms at Nantwich Football ground please see Pam or myself asap. Many thanks. Frances

Holy Week & Easter Services

Annual Parochial Church Meeting & Electoral Roll

Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) is on Sunday 14 April at 12 noon in St Mary’s Church followed by a Bring and Share in the Church Hall. Ahead of the APCM, there will be a Revision of the Church Electoral Roll from 10 to 24 March, as this is only a revision, if you are already on the church’s Electoral Roll, there is no need to reapply. All the details and the relevant forms are available at both churches and can be found

Would you like to read a Bible Reading or Lead the Intercessions at St Mary’s?

The St Mary’s April Rota is in the porch and online to view click here. Thanks to all those who read the bible readings & lead the intercessions at both our churches.
If you would like to add your name to the Rota, you can do it in church or email Revd Mike (you can view the Rota and see what slots are available here). However, if are not sure about whether you should do it, or have concerns about doing it, please speak to Rachael or Mike who are happy to help.

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer on Zoom, 9:30am on Tuesday & Thursday this week.
Also there is the Church of England Daily Prayer which can be found here:
There is also Daily Hope: a free phone line of hymns, reflections and prayers you can call at any time on 0800 804 8044.

St Mary’s Cleaning Rota

The St Mary’s Cleaning Rota needs some new volunteers and people to sign up. The Rota is in the porch of the church – please consider signing up to keep St Mary’s looking fantastic. See a Warden for more details.


Please use Easyfundraising to raise money for St Mary’s for free. If you already have us as a cause then remember to activate the donation. If this is new to you, it’s simple, and you can help St Mary’s & St Luke’s, its quick, and free to sign up: see link below It costs you nothing, but raises money for our churches.

Online Service Resources

Service Orders at St Mary’s can be viewed/downloaded at or scan the QR Code to the left.

The Weekly Sheet is available at the top of this Blog page.

We will continue have printed Weekly Sheets available, but if you can do it electronically, it means we can print less and not throw as much away.

Our Church Relies upon Personal Giving to Keep Going

To give quickly & securely online click here or scan the QR Code

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