
St Mary’s and St Luke’s News & Information for 23 July 2023 – Trinity 7

The Weekly Sheet has this week’s Readings and News on it

Austin Grand

Austin Grand’s funeral is at St Mary’s on Tuesday 1 August at 1:45pm. Please keep the family on your prayers at this time. Revd Mike.

Women’s Indian Meal

Women’s Meal at Passage to India Crewe on Friday 4th August at 7pm. Please let Sarah Turnbull know if you are planning to come. 01270 665742 or

After church refreshments at St Mary’s

During August those who make and serve the refreshments in the church hall are taking a break. For the four Sundays of August there won’t be refreshments in the church hall after the service. However, on Sunday 20 August, Sarah & Mike would like to invite you to the Rectory, weather permitting, for a bring your own picnic, more details nearer the time. If you would like to join the refreshment team please sign up via the list in the hall or email

Church Hall Maintenance

Week commencing 31st July, we have Boiler replacement work affecting the Main Hall, this means the Hall is not accessible for this week only. Please access via Office door, should you need to come to the office.

Churches Together in Crewe

Churches together in Crewe United Service: Worshipping & Praying together for our town, our mission & ministry, Sunday 30 July 6pm at St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church St Mary’s Street CW1 2JP

The Bible Study group

The Tuesday Bible study group and Prayer groups will now take a break and will meet again in September, dates to be advised. Thank you, Jenny V. 

Morning Prayer on Zoom

Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer continues on Zoom,
usually Tuesday & Thursday at 9:30am. To join Click Check the online Church diary for weekly variation here
Church of England Daily Prayer can be found here:
There is also Daily Hope: a free phone line of hymns, reflections and prayers you can call at any time on 0800 804 8044.

Resources for personal prayer and reflection for the nation of Ukraine and for peace – click here for our dedicated Blog page

Sunday Refreshments

We need help with refreshments after the Services. If you would like to join the refreshments team, please sign up via the sheet in the Church Hall or contact Polly or Teresa in the Church Office 01270 567119 or

Online Service Resources

Service Orders at St Mary’s can be viewed/downloaded at or scan the QR Code to the left.

The Weekly Sheet is available at the top of this Blog page.

We will continue have printed Weekly Sheets available, but if you can do it electronically, it means we can print less and not throw as much away.

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